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Jan 30, 2024
Pluto in Aquarius
The slowest- moving planet in our solar system has entered a new sign, Aquarius! Check out what to expect as we enter an exciting new era of advancement, radical change, and innovation until 2044.
Emily VanGorder
2 min. read

Pluto has a strong impact for a dwarf planet! Despite its much- debated classification in 2006, Pluto remains vital to our solar system and our understanding of astrology. The slowest moving planet, it makes one rotation of the sun every 248 years. Pluto entered Aquarius on January 20th, where it will stay until 2044. Whether you’re a casual checker of horoscopes or a self- made astrologer, here’s what you can look forward to in the coming years. 

Pluto is the planet of growth, evolution, and change on both an individual and collective level. Like its mythological namesake, Pluto is all about what’s under the surface, including what we consider ‘taboo’, and reveals things for what they really are. 

Aquarius is an air sign all about dynamic change and progress. It rules technology, innovation, relationships, and the collective. 

Pluto in Aquarius suggests a time of transformation affecting innovation, societal structures, and technology. This planetary combination encourages a re-evaluation of societal norms and a focus on progressive approaches for the future.  

The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1777- 1798, a period which saw great upheaval and positive change. It included the American, French, and Haitian revolutions, the invention of the first successful smallpox vaccine, and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution on a worldwide scale.

The change Pluto brings can be abrupt and throw you off balance, but remember that this is all for the greater good. On a personal level, this is the time to get rid of anything that no longer serves your best interest and move on to bigger and better. On a larger scale, don’t be surprised if you start to notice larger shifts in social dynamics, including humanitarian efforts, power shifts, and the dismantling of outdated and unjust structures. There’s enormous potential as well for huge leaps in industries like green technology, AI, cybersecurity, space exploration, and all medical and tech fields. We should expect to see some amazing things in the next 19 years. 

Embrace this time as an opportunity to create the change you’ve been looking for, both for yourself and others. Let go of the anxiety and chaos that often comes with change and focus on the outcome. Take advantage of new opportunities as they come and feel secure in the knowledge that the coming change is paving the way for a golden period of progress and growth.