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Jan 17, 2024
Reset, Restart, and Realign
It’s time to reset, restart, and realign. Join us for an intentional start to the new year filled with clarity, gratitude, and well-being.
Emily VanGorder
3 min. read

There’s a lot of pressure placed on the month of January. As the first of the new year, there’s an expectation that whatever we do in the first 31 days sets the tone for the rest of our year. What would happen if we approached January prioritizing a kinder, gentler mindset. What benefits could we experience?

January is the month for decluttering your space and starting new traditions. Whether you’re exploring new hobbies, establishing more mindful routines, or de-influencing your life, this month offers a chance for positive change and personal growth. 

Start by decluttering your space. You can break down areas and focus on one a day to keep it manageable. Go through your bathroom and kitchen cabinets, linen closets, junk drawers, basements, and extra storage. Sell or donate what’s in good condition and throw away anything that’s not. Cutting down on clutter not only frees up space, but can also help you de-influence your life. 

De-influencing is having a moment, and is a big goal of mine this year. It’s all about comparing what you need to what you have and what you want. Our consumerism is influenced by a variety of factors, but being conscious about buying and spending habits can keep you from buying just to buy and creating more clutter in the future. 

Once you’ve got your space nice and decluttered, it’s time to focus on the future. Vision boards are a great way to outline your goals and vibes for the year. You can do this on your own or make it a group activity. Cut out pictures from magazines, use photos, or draw your own. Write intentions, affirmations, and include things that already bring you joy. Keep your vision board somewhere you can see it, or remember to look back at it and remind yourself of your goals. It serves as a reminder of your priorities, encourages a positive mindset and reinforces your commitment to your personal growth through the year. 

Most of the US is experiencing the effects of a polar vortex right now, but it’s still important to take advantage of natural sunlight when you can. Get out for a five minute walk, do some guided yoga in your living room, or start making the gym a part of your weekly routine. You don’t have to jump into the deep end and take up CrossFit, but making the effort to build a new activity routine will have fantastic benefits now and in the future.

The cold weather is a perfect time to spend some time curled up with a book, blanket, and your drink of choice. Catch up on last year’s TBR or make a dent in this year’s Goodreads list. Reading for 15 minutes a day can strengthen your brain, widen your vocabulary, and reduce stress. Reading before bed can also help you unwind and promotes better sleep. 

One last practice to implement this January is romanticizing your life. This practice is all about imbuing ordinary, everyday experiences with a sense of romance, novelty, and significance. It’s about finding beauty and joy in small moments, appreciating details, and adding a touch of magic to routine. If you enjoy a good bath, for example, 

pick one day a week when you take a fantastic bath. Use all your favorite products, pack in all your self- care activities, buy yourself some flowers and light a candle. If you enjoy making drinks, alcoholic or not, experiment with learning to make some of your favorites.

As 2024 unfolds, it’s time to reassess, realign, and embrace positive change. Whether we’re decluttering, setting intentions, or embarking on new experiences, January empowers us to lay a foundation for a year filled with joy and personal growth.